Drunk driving is a serious issue that you should not take it lightly. It can affect anyone.
Here are some statistics about drunk driving that you need to know.
It can affect anyone
Drunk driving could kill your children, spouse, parent or grandparent. Even if you have driven under the influence before, you should know that you could still injure or kill someone by this action and get your license suspended.
It is the top cause of roadway casualties
Plenty of statistics state that the most common cause of death in vehicular accidents is operating a vehicle under the influence. You can get an OVI for drug or alcohol use because these are both dangerous.
It will affect almost 70 percent of people
About two-thirds of the population become involved in drunk driving crashes. That means there is a good chance that if you drive under the influence, you will cause an accident and potentially take a life.
It is preventable
Using public transportation or a rideshare app are great ways to keep yourself from driving drunk. Law enforcement looks for drunk drivers who violate these rules. Keep yourself and others safe by downloading a rideshare app for when you drink and need a ride home. You can also go old school and have a designated driver.