When purchasing car insurance in Ohio for the first time, you may wonder whether you need MedPay as part of your insurance policy. You may feel particularly concerned about this if you recently moved from states where you must purchase MedPay, such as Maine, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.
While those three states make MedPay mandatory, NerdWallet reports that no other state currently does. In Ohio, you may opt into MedPay coverage.
What Is MedPay?
As the name implies, MedPay covers medical bills for yourself and passengers when you suffer injuries in a crash. Typically, you may make a claim on this coverage even if you caused the accident. Sometimes, it even pays the bills if you or someone else in your household suffers injuries as a pedestrian, while riding a bike or as a passenger in another vehicle.
Is it better to get PIP?
You may find that people use the terms PIP and MedPay interchangeably. However, the two coverages do differ. PIP offers more extensive benefits, such as paying for lost wages. Roughly a dozen states require PIP, but few other states offer it. PIP tends to exist in no-fault car insurance states.
How much does MedPay cost?
NerdWallet estimates that MedPay only adds about $3 to your insurance bill, each month. However, the exact figure may depend on your driving history and how much coverage you choose. You generally only receive about $10,000 maximum in MedPay, but this may vary by insurer.
Choose how much coverage you need based on your health insurance. Many people get just enough PIP to cover their health insurance deductibles.