If you find out you have a driver’s license suspension, it can be a real blow. It can be tough to do anything, from going to the grocery store to making it to work, if you cannot drive, and driving under suspension is a huge mistake since the penalties can be stiff.
According to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, there are quite a few reasons why you may face a suspended license. Many times, the reason for the loss of your license is due to a court order, but there are other reasons not related to driving or court actions that could leave you without a valid driver’s license.
Court-ordered reasons
A judge can rule to suspend your license due to an accident where you owe damages to another person or if damages in an accident are over $400. A judge can also use this as a punishment in any traffic violation case. Commonly, the court will suspend your license for alcohol and drug-related offenses or if you fail to show up for a court date or pay a court fine.
If you get too many points on your driving record for traffic violations, it can affect the validity of your license. Ohio’s rule is to suspend a license when you reach 12 points. You could also face this punishment if you did not provide proof of insurance when the BMV requests during a random check or when an officer pulls you over for any reason.
You may face a license suspension if you violate a current suspension order or have an order in another state that removes your driving rights. The court may also take your license privileges if you have a warrant for your arrest.
Other reasons
The child support enforcement agency may take your license if you fail to pay child support. You could also lose your driving privileges due to a medical condition that makes you unable to safely operate a vehicle.