When Ohioans are facing drug charges, it is not uncommon for there to be other charges lodged along with them. This can be for driving under the influence, theft, trespassing and more. When dealing with charges for drug possession, possession of drug paraphernalia and other allegations, it is important to understand that a conviction can result in jail time, fines and long-term problems. A strong legal defense is crucial to confront the charges and seek an acceptable resolution.
A man and a woman are facing drug charges and breaking and entering charges after they were allegedly found hiding on the property of a tire shop. The couple, both 37, were found at around 10:30 p.m. after law enforcement was called. They were inside a fence at the tire store. Officers claim they found them, and the man climbed over the fence. He was then arrested. The woman would not climb the fence, so the lock on the gate needed to be cut for her to be taken into custody. Police stated that the women had syringes in her backpack and refused to identify herself, but law enforcement later found out her identity. The man was arrested on charges of drug possession as he had methamphetamine. He was also charged with breaking and entering.
Because the drug problem in Ohio and across the nation has reached such a catastrophic level, law enforcement is actively searching for people who are in possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Whether the person arrested was selling drugs or they were for personal use, there can be hefty penalties that can negatively impact their life. There could be jail time, fines and a driver’s license suspension if the arrest was for DUI. Not only will it spark these concerns, but it can also lead to a criminal record and cause problems when seeking a job or trying to get admitted to a school. To avoid these penalties, having legal help is essential.
When there is an arrest on drug possession charges, there could be alternatives to jail and the worst potential penalties. Treatment could be an option especially if the charges are non-violent. Even if treatment is not offered, there could be avenues to defend against the charges and some of the allegations could be reduced or dropped. A law firm experienced in drug possession charges can help.